Altru Integrated Health in Colorado Springs, Colorado

Greg's Unique Skills

Owner   I  Movement Specialist

Years in the Field: 20+

Certifications: NASM Certified Personal Trainer
Interests: I love game-play workouts! This means taking a soccer ball, a battle rope, some dumbbells, and a tire out to the local soccer field with a fellow fitness nut and having it out. Chase it down, flip it, whip it, kick it, or lift it…doesn’t matter. The freedom of movement gets my engine running!
Favorite Quote: “What do you mean, ‘If you can’? Everything is possible for one who believes.” 

What I Do for Fun

I enjoy hanging with my wife and two kiddos. We travel well together and find ourselves drawn to the beaches of North and South Carolina. I also love a good day’s work on our property thinning trees or building a boulder wall. 



Functional fitness, pre-/post-rehab, general fitness, strength training, injury prevention.

What makes me passionate about health?

I noticed there were plenty of exercise and nutrition myths coming and going serving to confuse people about how to improve their wellness.

I got into health and wellness to be able to teach people the right ways to gain a fitness level their bodies are designed to achieve. I want to meet people where they are at and coach them forward.