Breathwork Therapy

As incredible as it may seem, nearly every human on the planet could benefit from Breathwork Therapy.

Altru Integrated Health in Colorado Springs, Colorado - Energetic Healing

Without full awareness of breathing, there can be no development of meditative stability and understanding. –Thich Nhat Hanh

At Altru Integrated Health in Colorado Springs, we combine Breathwork, Polyvagal Theory, and Mindfulness to create a potent approach to well-being. This integrative therapy effectively addresses a range of challenges, including PTSD, chronic pain, insomnia, anxiety, and anger. Having witnessed firsthand the transformative power of simple breathwork practices, it’s evident that this modality can benefit nearly everyone. By harmonizing breath with the nervous system, Breathwork offers a natural pathway to cleanse the body and mind from environmental and stress-related toxins.

Breathwork is a game-changer for sports performance. By harnessing the power of breath, we unlock untapped potential. Our approach, rooted in the Buteyko method, goes beyond traditional techniques. We’ve refined our practices to deliver unparalleled results, optimizing athletes’ performance and recovery.

Mindfulness, stress relief and the ability to meet situations with presence is a natural by-product.  Mindfulness, stress reduction, and the ability to meet life’s challenges with presence are natural outcomes of our breathwork practice. You’ll learn to consciously override automatic responses, cultivating heightened awareness in your daily life and relationships.

Bridging ancient wisdom with modern science is the key to our transformative breathwork.  Our breathwork practitioner spent half a decade with a Yogi learning Pranayama, studying ancient teachings, texts and Sanskrit. By delving into the underlying science, Mytchell uncovered subtle ways to optimize these age-old techniques. Today he brings decades of combined learning to each personalized session. 

The Science

There is an ever-increasing amount of science that shows the amount of good that breathwork can do for us. Here are some of the benefits of breathwork:

Ready to Get Started? Call to Schedule a Breathwork Therapy Session Today!

How to Get Started...

Using Your Insurance
Altru Integrated Health accepts all major insurances. When using your insurance, you can come in for full evaluation. We will then send our recommendations to your primary provider for orders.
Altru’s Unique Wellness Credit System
The best way to stay active is to actively engage in your own wellbeing. To access our entire range of services including direct pay Physical Therapy, check out our Rewards Program. With credits, you can combine Physical Therapy appointments with ongoing Exercise Specialist sessions, Acupuncture and Massage.